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History and Archaeology – Connecting the Dots: Papers in Honor of David H. Snow was edited by Emily J. Brown, Carol J. Condie, and Helen K. Crotty, Papers of The Archaeological Society of New Mexico, No. 42, 2016.

This volume consists of papers on work from various locations including, the Chicimeca Frontiers, Taos Pueblo, the town of Lincoln, Jemez Pueblo, Chinle, Tijeras Pueblo, Santa Fe, Casas Grandes, the southern Great Plains, and the northern Rio Grande. Topics include peace and war on the Chicimeca Frontier, Comanche raiding, burial customs, the Mimbres Katsina cult, ceramics from the Northern Rio Grande, Annunciation Mission, manuports, Genízaro settlement in 18th century New Mexico, Tijeras utility wares, the Antelope Creek Phase, Paraje Alemán and the Jornada Del Muerto, 18th century structures, Coronado’s expedition, crevice burials and tipi rings, Tano-Tewa migration to Hopi, stone tool production, Sitio Creston, and other topics.

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