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Words and Sherds: Papers in Honor of Meliha S. Duran & David Kirkpatrick was edited by Emily J. Brown, Carol J. Condie, and Helen K. Crotty, Papers of The Archaeological Society of New Mexico, No. 37, 2011.

This volume consists of papers on work from various locations including, Tunque Pueblo, the Northern Rio Grande, the Galisteo Basin, Hopi Pueblo, the Largo-Gallina household, northeastern and southwestern New Mexico, La Ventana Mesa, Chaco Canyon, Chase Canyon, Tesuque Pueblo, and southeastern Colorado. Topics range including a discussion on work at Tunque Pueblo, Mexican ceramic traditions in the Northern Rio Grande, the X House Billy Site (an Archaic camp), a climate model for Puebloan colonization, Bertha Dutton, pochetecas, ceramic change at the Tsogue site, Jicarilla Apache settlement, subsistence and political organization, living histories, photography, the Archaic, dendroarchaeology, the Price site (Tiquex Prominence outlier), 19th c. beer bottle markings, and the Kiowa Tribe and inter-tribal relations in the southwest.

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