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Greater Santa Fe Fireshed Management Project

Pueblo San Marcos Mapping

Conchas Lake State Park Petroglyph Panel Stabilization

Selected List of Previous Projects

Archaeological Surveys

Survey of 1988 Acres at Cochiti Lake, USACE
Multiple surveys of more than 1600 acres in the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument, BLM, Taos Field Office
Multiple (more than 55) surveys in advance of range improvements on private, state, and BLM land, NRCS
Survey of 1193 acres of Gallina Peak, BLM Taos Field Office
Survey of 1899 acres at Conchas Lake, USACE
Survey of 588 acres at Santa Rosa Recreation Area, USACE
Survey of 906 acres of Santa Clara Pueblo, USACE
Survey of 529 acres, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, NPS
Multiple surveys in advance of habitat improvement actions on private land, USFWS
Survey of 677 acres, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, NPS
Multiple surveys for small undertakings, Santa Clara Pueblo
Survey of 60 acres, Big Bend National Park, NPS
Survey and monitoring for the Furnace Creek water system, Death Valley National Park, NPS
Multiple surveys of cell tower locations, Antigua Archaeology


Investigation of the spring enclosure and hospital storeroom, Fort Davis National Historical Park, NPS
Investigations at Pigeon’s Ranch, Pecos National Historical Park, NPS (via multi-year grant from the Western National Parks Association)
Data recovery at LA 135868 and LA 135870, Tesuque Ridge Range Development, Santa Fe, Blattland LLC
Archaeological testing of LA 109010, Glorieta MDWCA
Archaeological testing of LA 170051, Llano Quemado, Llano Quemado MDWCA
Archaeological testing of LA 132030, Ruidoso, Antigua Archaeology

Condition Assessment

Condition assessment of rock image, historic inscription, and rock modification sites in Zion National Park, NPS
Condition assessment of 46 sites in the Loop Fire area, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, NPS
Condition assessment of 100 archaeological sites at Pecos National Historical Park, NPS
Condition assessment and redocumentation of 217 sites (over six projects) at Guadalupe Mountains National Park, NPS
Condition assessment of cultural resources in the area of the Kelly Fire Complex, Death Valley National Park, NPS

Preservation Plans, Cultural Resource Management Plans, and Other Reports

Ethnographic assessment of the Santa Fe Fireshed, USFS
Historic resource management plan for Galisteo Dam and Reservoir Project, USACE
Archaeological site management plan for Qualacú, San Pasqual, and San Pascualito, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, NPS and USFWS
Condition assessment, documentation, and management plans for Comanche Gap, Pueblo San Lazaro, and San Jose de las Huertas, OAS
Preservation plan for the Commanding Officer’s Quarters, Fort Craig, BLM Socorro Field Office
Historic Resources Study, Bandelier National Monument, NPS
Preparation of a report for previously documented Navajo sites, Wupatki National Monument, NPS
Preparation of a report for previously excavated sites at Cochiti Lake Recreation Area, USACE

Hands-on Preservation Work

Petroglyph panel stabilization, Conchas Lake State Park, USACE
Masonry and plaster stabilization, Commanding Officer’s Quarters, Fort Craig, BLM Socorro Field Office

Remote Sensing and Mapping

UAS photography and 3D modeling of selected locations of the Mesa Prieta/Wells Petroglyph Preserve (for the Mesa Petroglyph Project)
UAS photography and digital elevation models for various archaeological sites in NM (Archaeological Conservancy)
UAS photography and mapping, Rio Grande del Norte National Monument, BLM Taos Field Office
Remote sensing and use of cadaver dogs to search for battle lines and the Union dead, Pecos National Historical Park, volunteer effort
GIS digitizing and editing of archaeological site boundaries, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, NPS

National Register Nominations

Determination of eligibility of the Mission 66 district, Bandelier National Monument, NPS
Nomination update for the entirety of Bandelier National Monument, NPS
Nomination update for the entirety of Pecos National Historical Park, NPS
Nomination update and associated archaeological survey of the Caverns Historic District, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, NPS

Tribal Consultations

Consultation with the Timbisha Shoshone for the Headquarters Solar Array, Death Valley National Park, NPS


Monitoring of NRCS soil mapping, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, NPS
Monitoring of parking lot construction for filming of the Lone Ranger, Silver Bullet Productions

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